
setPropertyContent JSON


Post JSON data here to modify property content.

See here for information about using the JSON API.

The JSON data is similar to that returned by getPropertyContent. See it for information about the data fields.

The JSON data must have an action element with a value of modify to allow any changes.

It is not necessary to include all data fields. Only include the fields that are being changed.

Example Data

Modify Property Content

    "authentication": {
        "apiKey": "apiKeyAsSetInAccountSettings",
        "propKey": "propKeyAsSetForTheProperty"
    "setPropertyContent": [
            "action": "modify",
            "texts": {
                "propertyDescription1": {
                    "EN": "the new property description"

Modify Room Content

    "authentication": {
        "apiKey": "apiKeyAsSetInAccountSettings",
        "propKey": "propKeyAsSetForTheProperty"
    "setPropertyContent": [
            "action": "modify",
            "roomIds": {
                "123456": {
                    "texts": {
                        "displayName": {
                            "EN": "the new room name"